Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > soul and world peace > Page 5


Flowers in the Field ~ welcoming the world in (Special Edition)

On Peace

Page 5

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As long as we cling to being against other groups of society, we are dissociated, regardless of how right we may see ourselves to be, how wrong the other. We can oppose what brings harm, but we hurt ourselves by allowing opposition, with its aggression, to get within us. We become that we give ourselves to, see. So, we, claiming for peace and justice, can become oppositional, apart from, not with others. Only those at-peace within can truly do peace-making well. For, then, peace-making is an authentic expression of one in-peace. Only that one who has opened the heart to the world is prepared to welcome the world in.

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In our essence, what many call soul, spirit, Self, True Self, Buddha Nature, Christ, our Original Face ... ~ see Lotus of the Heart, March 15, 2020, "The Unity~Spirit, Self, and self" ~, we are one. The Quakers have often referred to this as that-of-God-in-everyone. That-of-God-in-everyone is the same as We-are-one. The Self, the Buddha, the Christ, Love, Life, the Original Face is walking around everywhere as you and me, while we live under the illusion that the sense-of-separation, the bedrock of self-consciousness, or individuality, is who we are. Such is not who we are. Even the word "individual" denotes one who is divided off from, apart from other parts, rather than a part within a whole.

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It appears clear that at our present consciousness (self-consciousness, even when projected into a group as group-consciousness) ~ that of psychological-self, of thought and feeling and separation ~ is not where we will find unity, for it is not where unity is. Unity can become only from where unity is. This does not imply that we do not have enough beings on this plant desiring world peace, rather, we do not have enough beings being peace.

Sages have said these things for centuries, but we fail to listen and to our detriment. Our sense-of-self can be too proud, too immersed in the individuality myth ~ self-dependence ~ rather than interdependence. This, while the Universe is telling us we are dependent for we are interdependent, that we are not separate for we are a web of life. How could this not be, if the Universe is living and we are living within that which is a Uni-Verse? Oneness speaks of Itself.

Human arrogance, including intellectualized pride, be it fundamentalist or conservative or moderate or liberal, must bow before the Truth of Life for global peace to come forth. For only in humility can Love love through us freely, as Love longs to. Many of us likely feel the ache of Nature for this coming forth of the Light of Love. Our individualized and collective arrogances block the flow of the spirit-of-Lives, dividing us from others, Nature, and ourselves. To be whole, we humbly return to the Whole.

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Humility is a beauty of one attuned to the Song of Life. In humbleness, spaciousness is present to welcome the other into oneself, to be intimate with the World. This spaciousness is like the sky, welcoming to all. The sky never says, "Sorry, no room here for you." The Heart includes all.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > soul and world peace > Page 5

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